Coldwell Banker Commercial

Coldwell Banker Commercial Overview

What is Coldwell Banker Commercial?

Coldwell Banker Commercial is a well known commercial real estate services company that offers a blend of local market knowledge and global influence to ensure successful commercial transactions for their clients. The company is an Anywhere brand, which is a global leader in real estate brokerage franchising. Coldwell Banker Commercial is headquartered out of Madison, NJ, but operates globally through its network of independently owned and operated affiliates.

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Coldwell Banker Commercial Products & Services

Coldwell Banker Commercial Services

Coldwell Banker Commercial provides a comprehensive suite of services in the commercial real estate arena, tailored to meet the unique needs of clients in various sectors. They leverage in-depth market insights and industry expertise to offer solutions that drive value and performance.

  • Brokerage and Transaction Management (Landlord Representation): Specializes in representing landlords to maximize property exposure and leasing terms.
  • Brokerage and Transaction Management (Tenant Representation): Focuses on representing tenants to find optimal spaces and negotiate favorable lease terms.
  • Property and Facilities Management: Delivers management solutions aimed at enhancing property value and optimizing tenant satisfaction.
  • Advisory Services: Offers strategic insights and recommendations based on thorough market analysis and trends.
  • Construction Management: Provides oversight on construction projects to ensure they meet client specifications, budget, and timelines.

Coldwell Banker Commercial News & Activity

Coldwell Banker Commercial FAQ

Who Owns Coldwell Banker Commercial?

Coldwell Banker Commercial is owned by the publicly traded company Anywhere Real Estate Inc. (NYSE:HOUS). The ownership of Anywhere is divided among its shareholders, who can be individual or institutional investors.

Is Coldwell Banker Commercial a Legit Company?

Yes, Coldwell Banker Commercial is legitimate company. Its affiliation with Coldwell Banker, a respected name in real estate with a 100+ year history, further establishes its credibility and reliability in the market. The company has over 3,000 professionals, in over 200 offices located across 39 countries around the world.

Rental Real Estate Industry Companies